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Women in Tech: Utvecklare på Proceedo

Hur är det egentligen att jobba som utvecklare på ett av Nordens största SaaS-bolag?

I intervjun nedan lär vi känna Anamaria Dobrin, Fullstack-utvecklare och Agile Lead på Proceedo, som ger oss en inblick i hur det är att jobba på Proceedo samt hennes upplevelse av att vara kvinna i den mansdominerade techbranschen.

Vi har valt att behålla intervjun i sitt originalspråk (engelska) för att återge Anamarias svar på ett så korrekt sätt som möjligt.


Tell us a bit about you
I always was a helpless dreamer and an adventurous spirit. Then my daughter was born and everything got even more adventurous. I enjoy making memories with my loved ones and experiencing the art, freedom and power of nature.

Having lived an amazing childhood in the countryside with my grandparents, I realize that nowadays younger generations have to actually focus and work towards a balance between genuine living and experiencing technology. Everyone needs to disconnect as often as possible and just be.

Also, staying active and strong is important for mind and body, especially for us desk-dwellers, so working out is my way of self-care. Knitting is my form of meditation.


How did you end up at Proceedo?
Home was calling me back from the city I had finished studies and started working in. Visma was one of the leading IT employers in my hometown. Proceedo needed a new developer and I needed a new beginning. They were offering what a junior developer like me needed back then - interesting technologies, a healthy and multicultural work environment and open-minded colleagues - and the friendly atmosphere caught me.

Why development?
Although I enjoy art and adventure outside of work, I wanted a career that could balance this and keep me grounded, but still experience exciting discoveries. Software development is accessible and offers just that. The world is changing so fast and software has an important role in this, impacting both negatively and positively. I want to understand, have a say in it and take decisions wisely, even in my private life.

Why STILL Proceedo?
Once, I was told it is good to change jobs once in a while, but some people need more stability than others. I made bonds here, improved and got new skills and I feel that there still is much to experience and learn. The people in Proceedo are a different kind of family to me, even though the pandemic brought remote work into play, we still communicate so many hours in a day. We understand and support each other, we laugh and play games and we can express our thoughts freely. And it is so exciting to have colleagues from so many countries and different backgrounds, it makes one more understanding and open-minded. Also, a good work-life balance is key and I have that in Proceedo.

What is the biggest advantage of being a woman in tech?
The biggest advantage lies in the diversity and unique perspectives that women bring to the field. Embracing a diverse workforce, including women, enhances creativity, problem-solving, and innovation within the tech industry. I truly believe that diverse teams are more likely to produce better outcomes and solutions. It is also an opportunity to challenge traditional gender stereotypes and pave the way for more inclusivity.

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