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Proceedo - Privacy policy

Privacy policy

In this privacy policy, we help you understand what personal data Visma Proceedo AB (Proceedo) collects and why we collect it, as well as how we handle, protect, store, transfer and delete your personal data.

Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living person, such as e-mail address, street address or phone number etc.

What personal data do we process?

The personal data that Proceedo may process about you are

  • Basic personal data such as name, address, phone number, email and demographics
  • User and web traffic information such as login ID, username and IP address
  • Financial information such as invoice-related information
  • Content you have uploaded or shared, such as photos, comments, articles and videos
  • Statistics showing how users use our software and consume content we offer
  • Information via job applications

For the purposes mentioned in the section "Why we process personal data", Proceedo does not process sensitive personal data about you.


How we collect your personal data

In general, Proceedo collects personal data directly from you or other persons connected to our customer. If the customer you work for purchases Visma products or services through a Visma partner company, we may collect information about you from the partner company.

We also use cookies and other tracking technologies when you use Proceedo websites and when you interact with us by email, to optimize your experience with Proceedo, our products and our websites.

We partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heat maps, and session replay. Website usage data is collected using first- and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. In addition, we use this information for website optimization. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, please visit the Microsoft Privacy Policy.

For more information on how Proceedo uses cookies, please read our cookie policy.

In some cases, we may also collect information about you from other sources. These sources may include third-party data aggregation, Proceedo's marketing partners, public sources, or third-party social networks.


Why we process personal data

Proceedo's privacy policy applies when Proceedo processes your personal data for various purposes when you interact with us, such as:


Buying and delivering

  • Manage customer orders, contracts and payments
  • Offer services directly to you, such as e-learning, webinars and reports
  • Provide offers of products and services to customers
  • Create and manage accounts for users of our services

Support and improvement

  • Improve and develop the quality, functionality and user experience of our products, services and Proceedo websites
  • Provide customer support for our products and services
  • Running user forums to educate and enable interaction between users and Proceedo

Security and safety

  • Detecting, remediating and preventing security threats and abuses, and performing maintenance and troubleshooting

Marketing and promotion

  • Manage and send marketing material
  • Creating interest profiles to market relevant products and services (profiling)


  • To manage recruitment processes and job applications
  • Evaluate submitted documents, conduct interviews and call references


Legal basis for processing your personal data

Proceedo processes personal data on several legal bases.

Contract with you
We process your personal data based on a legally binding contract with you, e.g. when you apply for a job in Proceedo. Processing your personal data such as CV, application and references is necessary for Proceedo to be able to handle requests from job applicants before a contract is concluded.

Your consent
Proceedo may process your personal data based on consent. You always have the possibility to withdraw your consent after it has been given.

Legitimate interest
Proceedo has a legitimate interest when we process your personal data for security, support and improvement or when you act as a contact person for an existing or potential customer. Your personal data is processed from a business perspective in a way that we believe does not conflict with your rights and freedoms as a private individual.

Furthermore, Proceedo processes your personal data based on a legitimate interest if you register for a webinar, demo, download reports or other content from our websites, as well as when you use Proceedo's user forums. The legitimate interest is to provide you with accurate content, hold webinars, market and administer your requests. For more information on how Proceedo processes your personal data for marketing purposes based on legitimate interest and your rights when we process your personal data for such purposes, please see the "Marketing" section of this Privacy Policy.


How your personal data is shared

Within the Visma Group

Proceedo is part of the Visma Group, which includes several subsidiaries. Our ambition is to provide you with exceptional customer service and a seamless experience. In order to effectively oversee and understand the interactions between customers and different entities within the Visma group, Proceedo may share your personal data with other companies within the group. This facilitates a more integrated and efficient management and contributes to an improved overall understanding of our customers' needs.

Outside the Visma Group

Proceedo may also share your personal data with external third parties in the following contexts:

Proceedo user forums (communities)

If you make a post, comment or similar on Proceedo's user forums, this information may be read and used by others who have access to these forums. Proceedo is not responsible for any information you provide in such forums or on the Proceedo website.


We share your personal data (name, email and company) with our webinar tool provider when you register for one of our webinars on our website. For more information on how Univid collects and uses personal data in Univid's Privacy Policy.

Business partners

Proceedo may share your personal data with our partners where it appears legitimate from a business perspective and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Public authorities

The police and other authorities may request access to personal data from Proceedo. In these cases, Proceedo will only hand over the information if there is a court order to do so.


When does Proceedo use subcontractors?

Proceedo uses sub-processors to process personal data. These are usually cloud service providers or other IT providers.

When Proceedo uses sub-processors, Proceedo signs Data Processing Agreements (DPA) with them to protect your privacy.

For more information about subcontractors for Proceedo products and services, please visit the Visma Trust Center.

You can always request an overview and more detailed information about Proceedo's subcontractors.

How to contact Proceedo is at the bottom of this document.


How long will your personal data be stored?

Proceedo will only store your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations. When we process your personal data on other legal grounds, such as legitimate interest, the information is retained for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing.

Consequently, your personal data may be subject to different retention policies based on the type of data and the purpose of collecting it. Below are some examples:

In case of recruitment, Proceedo will delete your personal data such as CV, application and other documents, once the recruitment process is completed, usually a maximum of 6 months after the last application date unless otherwise agreed with you.

Another example is contact information stored for marketing purposes, including leads or potential customers. Such personal data will be deleted no later than 24 months after the last recorded activity.

For further information regarding deletion, please contact Proceedo (contact details can be found in the last section of this document).


Your rights

As a data subject, you can invoke the following rights in relation to Proceedo's processing of your personal data:

  • Right of access. You have the right to request a copy of the personal data we process (about you).
  • Right to rectification. You also have the right to request Proceedo to correct inaccurate personal data concerning you.
  • Right to erasure. You can request Proceedo to delete data about you.
  • Right to restriction (of processing). You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to data portability. You can ask us to provide you or others with your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Right to object. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest or direct marketing purposes. You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for the performance of tasks carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority or on the basis of legitimate interests.

Please note that there may be certain exceptions or limitations to the above rights that may apply depending on the specific circumstances of your situation. In such cases, we will provide you with detailed information on the applicable exception or limitation and assist you in exercising your rights to the fullest extent possible, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Please use to submit requests under this section

Finally, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (IMY) regarding the processing of your personal data.


Marketing and profiling


The legitimate interest

When you interact with Proceedo e.g. by visiting Proceedo web pages, downloading content, attending webinars and as part of the use of Proceedo services, Proceedo will process your personal data based on a legitimate interest. One of Proceedo's legitimate interests is to process personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Proceedo uses your personal data to provide relevant content to you through direct marketing on social media platforms and emails, web pages or in a Proceedo service, based on your preferences. The personal data we process is aggregated data about you, such as IP address, interests (where you have clicked etc.), username and device. This is done e.g. through cookies and is called profiling. Proceedo will also be able to combine this information with information about the customer relationship we may have with your company.

The purpose of profiling is to deliver customized marketing to you, improve your user experience of our services/websites and provide products that our customers are satisfied with. Proceedo's services are generally used as tools for work-related purposes, and your behavior in these tools says little about your privacy. No sensitive data is processed. Your personal data is thus processed from a business perspective in a way that we deem does not conflict with your freedoms and rights as an individual.

Proceedo uses email as a tool to communicate marketing, but only with your consent in accordance with applicable marketing law (if required). If you have given your consent, you will always have the possibility to opt-out as described below, or when you receive an email containing marketing material.


Right to opt-out of marketing communications

You have the right to opt-out of receiving marketing material from Proceedo and being subject to profiling. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. By following opt-out instructions in marketing communications
  2. Contact us by e-mail at

You can also always opt-in/out of cookies on the Proceedo website through our cookie banner or on the cookie settings page.

Please note that even if you opt-out of receiving marketing materials, you may still receive administrative information from Proceedo, such as order confirmations and notifications necessary to manage your account on the service Proceedo offers to our customers.



We encourage you to review the Proceedo Privacy Policy regularly. If Proceedo makes significant changes to this policy that materially alter our privacy practices, we may also notify you by other means, such as sending you an email or posting a notice on our website before the changes take effect.

Last updated: 2024-05-28.

Contact us for more information

Visma Proceedo AB
Västra Järnvägsgatan 7
111 64 Stockholm

We value your opinion. If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy, other privacy issues or about a possible data breach, please send them to

We handle questions and complaints confidentially. Our representative will contact you to address any questions or concerns and to describe the options available to resolve them. We aim to ensure that complaints and queries are resolved in a fair and appropriate manner.