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Spend analysis - creating the conditions for strategic procurement

Proceedo + Spendency

Spend analysis with the most efficient solution on the market

Whether you are looking for an overview of your organization's cost development or studying details regarding supplier development and categories, Spendency offers you the market's most effective support system for analysis work.

Take control of your purchases. Identify opportunities for savings.

Spend analysis enables you to understand what is being bought, for how much and from which suppliers. Analyze by category, supplier or transaction.

The big picture for procurement

Experience a complete dashboard with 50 expandable graphs. Get a full overview by category, supplier, transaction or contract fidelity.

Easily accessible analysis

The tool is permission-driven so that the right person has access to the relevant data. You can also aggregate suppliers and cost mass from multiple external sources.

Get started quickly

Spendency is delivered as plug and play. You get quick access to the solution and can import the desired data directly.

Discover spend analysis with Spendency

Make everyday life easier with a spend analysis. Spendency has many smart and advanced features, yet is easy to use without prior knowledge.

Cloud service

Spendency requires no installation. Maintenance and updates are included in the annual fee.

Measure compliance with contracts

Enables monitoring based on contract compliance.

Automated categorization and allocation

Spendency offers possibilities to define rules for automatic categorization.

Simple interface

Spendency is an intuitive drag & drop tool and you easily upload your own spend data.

Creating an evidence base

Base strategic sourcing on evidence that shows measurable impact.

Merge spend automatically

Automatic proposal to merge different suppliers linked to the same delivery.

Analyze from different perspectives

Switch between different analysis perspectives; category, supplier or transactional perspective.

Build your own category trees

Define your own category trees based on your purchasing organization or use standard trees.

Powerful dashboard

Dashboard with multiple graphs that are easy to use and understand for everyone in the organization.

Want to know more about Spendency?

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