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Accessibility statement for Visma Proceedo AB

In this accessibility statement, we describe how Proceedo( monitors and works with accessibility. We are continuously working to improve the user experience for everyone and apply relevant accessibility standards. This statement is a step towards making Proceedo accessible to as many people as possible.

Actions to support accessibility

Visma Proceedo AB takes the following measures to ensure accessibility:

  • Provide accessibility training for our staff
  • Setting clear accessibility goals for 2023

How accessible is Proceedo?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define criteria for how designers and developers should improve accessibility for people with disabilities and impairments. They define three levels to adhere to: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. At Proceedo, we aim to meet WCAG 2.1 Level AA, with the exception of the following criteria:

1.1.1: Non-text Content (A)
1.3.1: Info and Relationships (A)
1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence(A)
1.4.4: Resize text (AA)
1.4.12: Text spacing (AA)
2.5.3: Label in Name (A)
4.1.1: Parsing (A)
4.1.3: Status Messages (AA)

At the moment we are focusing on the criteria with the highest impact, and therefore some criteria have been excluded.

At the moment, Proceedo does not meet all the criteria for WCAG 2.1 level AA, the criteria that are not met are described in more detail below.

Technical information on Proceedo accessibility

This information is based on the audit conducted in August 2022 through self-assessment (internal testing). This statement explains all the WCAG 2.1 AA criteria that we do not meet but aim to meet.

1.3.4: Orientation (AA)

  • In the shopping cart, some buttons are partially off-screen.

1.4.1: Use of Color (A)

  • Blue text is not always used consistently: usually the blue text is clickable, but there are several examples of blue text that is not clickable.
  • In some cases, only the color red is used to communicate an error. Some more visual indicator, such as an icon, is needed to make the error clear even to those who are color blind.

1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) (AA)

An example of non-compliance with the requirement is in the posting headers, when the user handles his invoice, the text has low contrast. This can cause difficulties for users with visual impairments.

1.4.11: Non-text Contrast (AA)

There are several icons with low contrast, which may cause difficulties for users with visual impairments.

1.4.13: Content on hover focus (AA)

The mouse pointer cannot be placed on top of info boxes (tooltips). It is not possible to hover over dynamically presented content without it disappearing.

2.1.1: Keyboard (A)

There are several places in the system where it is not possible to navigate through the keyboard (e.g. with the TAB key). Some examples are:

  • On the Purchasing page, it is not possible to navigate to "Unsent Orders", "Templates", or the plus and minus buttons to set quantity.
  • On the Home page, it is not possible to navigate to "Delegations" or "Shortcuts".
  • Some functions in the invoice details cannot be performed using the keyboard, such as "New account assignment" or moving account assignment lines between different account assignment groups.

2.1.2: No Keyboard Trap (A)

There are several places in the system where the user gets stuck when using the keyboard for navigation, such as:

  • "Select orderer" in the shopping cart
  • Select preferred delivery date
  • In some cases, when a dialog box is opened on the invoice pages, keyboard navigation can end up in the background and not in the dialog itself. Then it is no longer possible to close the dialog.
  • It is possible to tab into the invoice list, but not out of it.

2.4.2: Page Titled (A)

There are no unique page titles, which can cause confusion and make it difficult for people using assistive technology or with cognitive disabilities to identify what the page is about.

2.4.3: Focus Order (A)

There is much room for improvement in terms of the order in which elements in Proceedo are given focus when using the tab button. For example, there are cases where the keyboard navigation does not access a dialog box, instead the focus remains in the interface in the background.

2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context) (A)

In some cases it is not clear enough whether a link opens an external web page.

2.4.6: Headings and Labels (AA)

There are several cases where headings and labels are missing or not used, which can cause difficulties for people using assistive technology to interact and understand the content of the system.

2.4.7: Focus Visible (AA)

In most cases, it is visually clear where the focus is. The exception is in the RTI sections, where the panels do not get focus when they are already expanded.

3.1.1: Language of Page (A)

The language of the page is defined as English even in cases where the language settings are set to another language (e.g. Swedish). This can cause difficulties for people using assistive technology that reads text to understand and interact with the website.

3.2.1: On focus (A)

When an account assignment text field is in focus (on the invoice details page), the value in the text field is highlighted, resulting in the name of the account assignment being hidden.

3.2.3: Consistent navigation (AA)

  • The supplier information accessible in Purchasing uses a different type of navigation than other parts of the system.
  • In the invoice list, the position of the "Open invoice details" link sometimes changes based on the status of the invoice.

3.2.4: Consistent identification (AA)

Icons and buttons are not used consistently. In most cases it is a matter of visual inconsistencies. In some cases it is a matter of the order in which the buttons are displayed. For example, when something is to be deleted, in some cases an icon in the form of a cross is used, and in other cases in the form of a minus sign in a circle.

3.3.1 Error Identification (A)

Errors are not always well explained. Sometimes they are not visible either, e.g. when the user enters a temporary address at the time of purchase, there is no feedback related to the text fields, except that the edges of the fields turn red.

3.3.2: Labels or Instructions (A)

Some input elements lack sufficiently clear field labels and instructions. For example, in the product search list (in the purchase parts) there are input fields where quantities can be entered per product, these fields lack labels.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (AA)

Suggestions on how to handle an error are not always clear. For example, when searching for invoices or products and no results are found, no suggestions are given on how to change the search to get results.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (AA)

When an invoice image is added to an invoice, it cannot be deleted. There is also no warning about this.

4.1.2: Name, role, value (A)

Many components do not have a name, role or value, which can cause difficulties for people who use assistive technology to use the website. In Proceedo, we have developed several custom components, such as buttons that are div tags, that lack name and role attributes in the code.


Please give us feedback on the accessibility of Proceedo. If you are hindered by a lack of accessibility at , please contact us in one of the following ways:

Contact form

Telephone: +46 10 141 12 00
Address: Västra Järnvägsgatan 7, 111 64 Stockholm