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External Workforce Management

As companies grow, the need for external labor increases. So does the need for an external workforce management system that ensures transparency, control and compliance.

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The labor market of the future

Today, external labor accounts for more than 40% of wage costs. A figure that is constantly increasing. At the same time, many companies feel that they lack transparency and control over their contingent workforce.

Do you recognize the following?

Time-consuming and error-prone processes

Manual processes aren't just more time-consuming than automated processes, they also increase the risk of errors. Errors that can result in increased costs and non-compliance.

No oversight or control

Without a detailed overview of your entire external workforce, it will be difficult to keep track of costs and other important details related to the hired expertise.

Difficult to plan resources

Without up-to-date data, it becomes more difficult to plan for future needs; find and match the right skills with specific projects or roles; and evaluate the productivity and effectiveness of contingent workers.

Take control of your consultant purchases

Find, hire, manage and analyze
your external workforce

All in one platform.

Vakanta is the External Workforce Management system that makes it easy and risk-free to manage large numbers of contingent workers.


Digitized and automated processes

Forget time-consuming and complicated processes that lead to errors and unnecessary costs - Vakanta makes it easy to find, hire and manage external labor in a way that ensures the right skills, price and conditions - even for the consultant.

Experience a comprehensive external workforce management platform that is built around compliance.


Full control and transparency

Gather all information about your consultants and contracts in one place for a detailed overview of your external workforce.

Go into detail about a specific consultant, project or role. See when they were hired, what they are working on and why. Keep track on when contracts expire and when payment dates are approaching.

With all the information in one place and with full transparency, it's easy to follow up on all the details of your external workforce and take complete control.


Data-driven resource planning

Ensure the right skills are available when needed and optimize resource use with real-time data.

Follow up on the performance of your hired expertise, see detailed history of suppliers and costs.

Vakanta gives you complete control over your external workforce.

But don't just take our word for it - listen to what the customers have to say.

  1. Vakanta is really appreciated by our Hiring Managers.

    A simple "One stop shop" with direct access to a market of suppliers yet well qualified to solve our complex needs.

    We can flexibly hire the best talent without cost-driving layers of actual brokers. By hiring directly from the source, we can reduce expenses without losing quality.

    Head of Procurement


  2. With Vakanta we have a complete digital solution.

    Everything from managing new and existing assignments to finding the right skills and people is handled with Vakanta.

    Getting suggestions directly in the app facilitates our selection process, leads to both faster and better decisions and gives us significantly better insights about our external workforce.

    Procurement Manager

    Marginal Bank

  3. Vakanta is the only platform with a business perspective.

    Vakanta is uniquely built to solve the needs of hiring managers and operational managers first.

    I get control, best practices, benchmarks, etc., but Vakanta also makes the business more efficient and happy. Our registration process for new assignments is 90% shorter by collaborating in the platform.

    Category Manager, IT/IndirectMaterial


Manage all aspects of your external workforce

Get support for all aspects of your External Workforce Management work with a single platform.

  1. Pay_3_Border

    Find the right consultants and skills

    All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.

  2. Image of prominent person

    Build your supplier network

    All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.

  3. Image of prominent person

    Pay easily and on time

    All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.

  4. Image of prominent person

    Collect and keep track of contracts

    All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.

  5. Image of prominent person

    Analyze and make data-driven decisions

    All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.

mountain view in grayscale

Curate your look and feel

Explore all the ways you can build a more effective website

Sometimes you learn more from your mistakes than you do from your masterpieces. All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.


How do other companies consolidate and take control of their consulting purchases?

28/8 | 08:00

It's about processes and procedures that need to be in place throughout the organization. To get there, there is system support that takes you further, faster. A structured and clear way to work with all purchases. It saves time, money and reduces risks. Sign up for the webinar to get answers to how Vakanta can work for you.

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Book a demo

Curious about how you can streamline your External Workforce Management with Vakanta?

Fill in the form and we will contact you shortly to schedule a meeting.

How many Guns do you have?

Buying consultants and services without control leads to unnecessary costs, wasted time and expertise. It is expensive and unnecessary.