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Procurement system

A procurement system that gives you control over time, costs and quality. With control comes good procedures, the right conditions and invoices without surprises.

Procurement triangles Procurement triangles
1. process

Cloud-based procurement system

For the whole procurement process

From contracts and orders, all the way to purchasing, invoicing and follow-up. With Proceedo, you get access to services, products, and everything you need, all in one system.

Discover the power of an accessible and platform-independent purchasing system for all your indirect purchases.

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Procurement policy included

Bring all contracted suppliers together in one system and make it easy for the whole business to make the right purchases and manage all invoices in the same system.

Proceedo enables a well thought-out procurement policy that the entire company can follow. Fully automatically.


Spend under management

Purchases made in a procurement system where processes are well thought out from the start automatically have better quality through more control. This means less risk of human error or hidden supplier costs. The purchase is approved even before the orders are placed. Your spend is under control.

100% approved suppliers

And the opportunity for everyone to do the right thing.


Proceedo Analytics

With full access to statistics and data on each purchase, it's easy to follow up, find cost villains and act.

Proceedo gives you unbeatable insights into your organization's purchasing.


Don't worry, no matter which ERP system you work in, integration with Proceedo is ready. This means you can quickly start automating your purchases to payment.

Avoid duplication of effort: the same data in all systems.

One Stop Shop

An online shop for everyone

With Proceedo, those with the need can order everything in one webshop - always from agreed suppliers.

Before the order is sent to the supplier, it must be approved by a manager. All to increase control of your spend throughout the purchasing process.


CheckMarkDecentralized purchasing under control

CheckMarkOne stop shop

CheckMarkConsolidate your spend into one system

Want to know how a procurement system can work for you?

Book a demo and get a look into Proceedo.