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What is Purchase to Pay?

Purchase to Pay (P2P), also known as procure-to-pay, represents the operational processes that extend from purchase to payment within a company or public organization and the systems that support these processes.


Purchase to Pay process

Purchase-to-Pay covers the entire procurement process, from the identification of needs and the operational purchase to invoice management and payment.

Purchase to Pay process step by step

An effective P2P process aims to improve transparency throughout the purchasing process, minimize risks of purchase errors of various kinds, and enable cost savings through automation, contractual compliance and control.

Purchase to Pay system

Purchase to Pay is also used to describe the procurement and invoice management systems that support an efficient P2P process. Purchase to Pay systems enable companies and other organizations to automate and streamline the management of purchases and invoices.

In addition to automation, A P2P system gives organizations greater control over their spend through approval workflows that enable approval before orders are placed. This way, unnecessary costs can be stopped before they occur.

Supplier portal

An effective Purchase to Pay system has a supplier portal (also called Supplier Portal or Supplier Center) that enables electronic communication between suppliers and organizations using the P2P system. Electronic invoices (e-invoices) are an example of electronic messages that can be sent via the Supplier Portal.

The value of a modern cloud solution for Purchase to Pay

1. Contractual Compliance

Contractual compliance is at the heart of any successful purchasing process. Ensuring that purchases are made in accordance with agreed contracts is crucial to maximize the benefits of negotiated terms but also to strengthen and maintain a good working relationship with your suppliers.

P2P systems make it possible to integrate these agreements into the procurement process, minimizing deviations and ensuring that you can actually buy the right goods at the right price, which in turn leads to cost savings and stronger business relationships.

2. Efficiency

How does your organization actually make purchases? How do you receive your invoices?
A digitized and efficient P2P process minimizes manual and time-consuming tasks throughout the entire process from purchase to payment.

Automating routine purchasing and payment processes frees up time and resources to focus on your core business regardless of your industry. This results in faster execution of purchases, reduced risk of errors and increased productivity.

In addition, with a system that allows for order approval, incorrect purchases can be prevented before the purchase is made and before the invoice is issued.

3. Automation

By using a specialized cloud service for Purchase to Pay, businesses can automate everything from order processing to invoice management and payments. This reduces the risk of errors, optimizes workflows and increases the transparency of the entire purchasing process. As a company, you save important time that can be spent on things that make a difference.

With a modern P2P cloud service, it's easy to automate everything from rental agreements to leasing or invoices to product purchases.

Purchase to Pay (P2P) doesn't just represent processes from purchase to payment; it's a strategic opportunity for businesses to streamline, control and improve the entire procurement process. With a focus on contractual compliance, efficiency and automation, P2P systems enable smooth and cost-effective purchasing and payments, which in turn supports business growth and market competitiveness.

900,000 Proceedo users are already doing it

Automate the procurement workflow

By using predefined rules and automated approval processes, purchases can be completed quickly and efficiently, reducing time at each stage of the process.

Improves visibility and control

Proceedo gives users and decision-makers visibility into the entire purchasing process, enabling them to track purchases, manage risks, and analyze buying behavior to streamline future purchases.

Strengthening contract fidelity

By integrating contract terms into the purchasing workflow, Proceedo helps ensure that purchases are made in line with agreed contracts, leading to cost savings and stronger supplier relationships.

Streamline your Purchase to Pay process

Proceedo is a purchase to pay system that streamlines the entire process - from procurement to payment. Enabling you to reduce costs and save valuable time.

Learn more about Purchase to Pay with Proceedo